Why Me? I Mean, Why Do I Have Acne But My Best Friend Doesn't?
You got the short end of the stick! Welcome to the club. :) I got the short end of the stick too.
We get acne because of our genes and our environment put together. We can eat the same foods as other people, but we get acne and they don't because our genes are different. They predispose us to getting acne.
I have to pay a lot of attention to what I eat, otherwise I'm practically guaranteed to break out the next day. I must constantly focus on relaxing and keeping my stress under control, or else I get little pimples all over my face.
This is what I've got. This is who I am. I'm learning to live with it.
And you know what I've found? I love eating and living this way. I am now the healthiest I've ever been in my entire life. I'm closer to the land; I buy local and organic food; and I avoid industrialized "food products" and products of massive-scale mono-cropping agriculture. My carbon footprint is smaller than ever. And I look and feel the best I have in my whole life. I have energy all day long, and I rarely get sick.
You can do this too, because I did it, and I'm just a regular guy. Once you start eating this way, and once your skin starts clearing up, you'll start gathering momentum like a giant battering ram hurtling toward the fortress gates.
What's behind the gates?
Clear skin. For the rest of your life. You simply have to build up enough speed and momentum to bash down these gates... and I'll show you how to do it.
And once you start following my program, because you're eating the healthiest and most satisfying diet on planet Earth, you might also find these extra benefits that people all over the world, people just like you, are finding each and ever day:....