Think about this for a moment: would pharmaceutical companies benefit from selling you a cure?
They profit by selling you the same band-aid acne treatments over and over.
If they sold you a cure, they'd only get your money once.
Of course, you want a cure, which is why you're here reading this. Fortunately, there is one! It's just not being sold by the drug companies.
Also, doctors don't necessarily know that diet can cause acne, because they weren't taught that in medical school. The party line is still that diet has almost nothing to do with acne.
Think about this: a doctor in his fifties today was taught using a textbook written in the 1970's or even earlier. Common wisdom of the day was that diet had almost nothing to do with acne (except vague generalizations like "just avoid greasy foods," which don't mean anything. There are many types of fats, and some are actually good for you! I'll explain all that in the book). Science has come a long way since then, to the point that now, we're seeing that diet has everything to do with acne.
There's a very good reason why diet is a safer, healthier approach to curing acne than taking acne drugs....
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